Posts with tag: goal

Tony Robbins interview with Tim Ferriss - my takeaways

I’ve first heard Tony Robbins’ interviews sometime in 2016. I was fascinated: a great story-teller and he speaks about things that interest me — mood-states that affect behavior, and how to change your energy levels. Here are my takeaways from one of his interviews with Tim Ferriss. Each paragraph is a paraphrased quote from Tony followed by my comment in italics.
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Why it's easy to start a subpar relationship

And what to do about it.
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My process and goals for writing in this blog

I describe my processes for writing here and the goals behind those processes. Previously: first post in the blog and why I did it.
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Why don't we try really doing things

‘More Dakka’ by Zvi starts as a review on Eliezer Yudkowsky’s book Inadequate Eqilibria, and then turns to apply ideas of The Thing and the Symbolic Representation of The Thing by Zvi, and Scott Alexander’s Concept-Shaped Holes Can Be Impossible To Notice to expand on whys and hows of the problem that I can only vaguely name as “Why don’t we try really doing things”. I do recommend reading all three posts, it was a feel-good delta knowledge for me. Here I will focus on ‘More Dakka’ which expands on why we do not try seemingly obvious solutions, or attempt and never finish.
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